Why You Should Leave When There is Still Love
Leaving a marriage while there is still love may seem counterintuitive to many, but for some, it can be the healthiest and most compassionate choice for all involved. The decision to end a relationship should not be viewed as a failure, but rather as a recognition of the complex and ever-changing nature of human relationships. In many cases, one partner is further along in processing the impending separation. They have boarded the plane, ready for the jump, having already packed their psychological parachute. This parachute encompasses a range of practical considerations—where they will live, how finances will be managed, and what co-parenting will look like after the marriage ends. For this person, the leap is...

The Phantom Pain of Divorce
Phantom pain is often associated with amputees who experience the sensation of pain or presence in a limb that is no longer there. However, this concept can be extended to emotional and psychological experiences, such as the aftermath of divorce. In many cases, one partner is further along in processing the impending separation. They have boarded the plane, ready for the jump, having already packed their psychological parachute. This parachute encompasses a range of practical considerations—where they will live, how finances will be managed, and what co-parenting will look like after the marriage ends. For this person, the leap is...

There Should Be NO Spy Kids in the in the Movie of Divorce
Children should never be burdened with adult problems. When we ask them to relay messages, share information, or express our grievances about the other parent, we place them in a compromising position.

Packing the Psychological Parachute of Divorce
The metaphor of “packing the psychological parachute of divorce” captures the often uneven emotional terrain that partners navigate when their marriage ends. In many cases, one partner is further along in processing the impending separation. They have boarded the plane, ready for the jump, having already packed their psychological parachute. This parachute encompasses a range of practical considerations—where they will live, how finances will be managed, and what co-parenting will look like after the marriage ends. For this person, the leap is...

Nothing Broken About My Family
The language we use to discuss divorce often carries negative connotations, such as the term "broken family." This phrase inaccurately implies that the family is somehow damaged or destroyed after a divorce, when in reality...

Co-Parenting with an Uncooperative Ex: Strategies for Success
Co-parenting with your uncooperative ex can be extremely frustrating, but deep down, you both know it’s best to cooperate for your child’s sake. It may not just happen overnight; it may take some time. Your child should always be prioritized in co-parenting, and your feelings...