
Your Ex-Spouse is NOT Your Enemy ft. The ExEXPERTS

Good Divorce Coach™ Karen McNenny interviews Jessica and T.H., the founders of exEXPERTS and hosts of the Divorce Etc… podcast. ...

Customize Your Divorce & Know What YOU Want ft. Elizabeth A. Douglas, Esq.

Elizabeth Douglas, founder of the Douglas Family Law Group, discusses the importance of a customized approach to divorce and finding the ...

Navigating the Complexities of Real Estate in Divorce ft. Mercedes Barker

In this conversation, Karen McNenny and Mercedes Barker discuss the complexities of real estate in divorce. Mercedes, a certified divorce ...

Key Elements of a Good Divorce ft. Karen McMahon

Karen McMahon, a high conflict divorce strategist and certified divorce coach, shares her personal journey through a high conflict divorce ...

Do We Have to Go to Court? ft. Charles D. Jamieson

In this conversation, Charles Jamieson, a Certified Marital and Family Law Attorney, shares valuable insights and advice for individuals going ...

Tips for Managing Finances Post-Divorce ft. Olivia Summerhill

Olivia Summerhill, a niche specialist in high net-worth divorces, shares her personal experience of growing up in a wealthy family ...

Season 2 Intro: A Good Divorce is Possible

Welcome to SEASON TWO of the Good Divorce Show™! Your Good Divorce Coach™, Karen McNenny, is focused on providing support ...

Ep 42: Co-Parenting Expert Christina McGhee

This week Karen is joined by co-parenting expert and pioneer in the Good Divorce Movement, Christina McGhee. Through her personal ...

Ep 41: Coffee Talk – Listener Questions

Have you ever felt Divorce Envy? How about the post-divorce honeymoon period Karen refers to as Divorgasmic? Do your young ...

Ep 39: My Teen Daughter’s Divorce Experience

What does a Good Divorce look like from a child’s perspective? Karen gets the straight answers from her own daughter, ...

Ep 35: Coffee Talk: 6 Tips For Sharing 1 Family Across 2 Homes

Your marriage is complete. Now it’s time to figure out how to distribute your kids’ lives across two homes. This ...

Ep 34: It Doesn’t Have to Be a Battle

You wouldn’t remodel your home without having any say in it. So why would you remodel your marriage that way? ...

Ep 33: Don’t Make These Money Mistakes!

If you’re thinking about or getting divorced, you need to learn how to keep your net worth from getting net ...

Ep 32: It’s Time to Have ‘The Money Talk’

What’s harder to talk about than divorce? How about … money? But Karen is here to help, with entrepreneur Jess ...

Ep 31: Cover Your Assets!

Some of the most important financial decisions you ever make are often made when you’re most vulnerable, like in the ...

Ep 30: The Mom’s Guide to a Good Divorce

If only there were some kind of handbook for navigating the unique challenges of divorce when you have children! Well, ...

Ep. 29: Have You Considered ‘The Big C’?

Are you contemplating the Big D(ivorce)? Then you might want to consider what lawyers call the Big C: Collaborative divorce. ...

Ep. 28: Navigating Religion, Sacrifice, & the Death of a Co-Parent

As a young and naive bride Shelby Humphreys had no way of knowing the marital journey she had chosen would ...

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